First of all, let’s define the word “health”.

Dorland’s medical dictionary defines the word health as, “A state of complete physical, chemical, and social well being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. Our current medical system has very little to do with actual “health” care. It is more sickness care.

Second, let’s define the word “cure”.

1. a means of healing or restoring to health; remedy.
2. a method or course of remedial treatment, as for disease.
3. successful remedial treatment; restoration to health.

The third definition of cure has the word “successful” in it. Let’s define the word success. defines success as, “the accomplishment of an aim or purpose”.

Success, in my opinion, is a very subjective word. It is different for every single person. My definition evolves from day to day.

Discovering what success means to you might take a while, it might be a long process and the answer might not come to you immediately. However, the result of your search will be more than worth it.

One more thought, Gandhi was was dirt poor, but he freed the entire country of India.