“Knockout” from Suzanne Summers

This book looks at cancer therapy from a completely different mindset. Natural therapies that are curing cancer and having large success rates. The success rate of the conventional therapies has been defined as meager, at best. Many times it can actually weaken the body and cause the problem to worsen. I personally have studied the method practiced by Dr. Gonzalez out of Manhattan. His method was actually discovered in the early 1900’s by Dr. John Beard, an embryologist, and it works and works well.

This book also describes the trials and tribulations of being a physician that utilizes natural therapies that put a “chink in the armour” of the establishment’s stronghold on cancer therapy. What the FDA has done to Dr. Burzynski should be considered harassment, at the very least.

I am not a proponent of bio identical hormones (i think there are better ways of balancing hormones), however, most of the population thinks that the only way to “treat” cancer is through chemotherapy and or radiation. This book talks about alternatives to conventional cancer treatment and I highly recommended it. Anyone that knows someone that is dealing with cancer, either directly or indirectly, should read this book and recommend it to others.