Apple Cider Vinegar. Yep…the stuff in your cupboard. Not the Heinz stuff, but the good stuff you will find at your local health food store that has the “mother of vinegar”. Most arthritis pain is a biochemical imbalance where the stomach has become too alkaline. Yes, that’s right, apple cider vinegar is an acid and you are going to put it in your stomach.

Some other symptoms ACV can help are:
acute depression
lack of energy
stimulate metabolism

Two tablespoons in a 12-16 oz glass of water 1 to 2 times per day for 3 weeks.

There is one caveat…if you have a problem with candida (yeast) or are prone to yeast infections, vinegar and vinegar based products can feed that. i.e. ketchup, mustard, barbecue sauce, etc.