Salt is to the adrenal gland like iron is to the blood and iodine is to the thyroid. We need salt for our adrenal glands which supply adrenaline and help our body adapt to stress. In today’s world, salt is automatically thought to increase your blood pressure and ultimately be bad for you. However, salt avoidance can be harmful also. For example, if you get dizzy when you stand up or move around quickly you might be low on salt. I have seen many people’s blood pressure actually go down when they increase their salt intake. Do not use regular white table salt though. Not only is it refined, but it has aluminum in it as an anti-caking agent. Aluminum is implicated in Alzheimer’s disease. Only use real sea salt. The best salt I have found is Himalayan sea salt. It is unrefined and it tastes better also. If you’re outside sweating a lot, you should add a little salt to all that water you are (or should be) drinking.

When reading this, do NOT automatically think if you have high blood pressure, that increasing your salt intake will lower it. There are many different reasons for high blood pressure; liver, kidney, adrenal, etc. This is why it is important to get an accurate diagnosis first. If you have questions, send me an email or contact your natural health care physician.